Waistline woes
As I was standing at the bus stop the other day, I realised that my right hand was resting on something very comfortably - my noticeably protruding paunch ! I kind of laughed to myself but realised the seriousness of the situation. Working out has always been a task that required great motivation (as most of you may agree with yourselves) for me. There was a time in my bachelor days when I used to be a regular at the local gym. Then, I setup my own gym at home and started working out on my weight-bench. I used to feel good about myself then but those were some golden years !
Over the last few years, I have found every possible excuse in the book to dodge the gym even though my waistline was begging me to go. I cannot figure out the change in mentality but I attribute it to the change in place. The golden years used to be in Atlanta. Now that I am in Pittsburgh, I find it hard to go to the gym in the cold during winters. If it is summer, I do not want to waste the nice warm weather by sweating it out on a treadmill ! So, my waistline was suffering silently until a few weeks ago.
A new gym opened up within the apartments where we live. The management wanted to charge $50 for a year. My wife, just recovering from delivering a baby, wants to get back in shape as well. So, we went in for the membership. That was motivation enough for me to get back in shape. So, over the last one week, I tried going in almost every day though I missed the last two days.
But, ironically, I have been eating so many candies and sweets after I started going to the gym, I do not see how this is going to help me. Just two nights back, I could not resist myself from eating a bowl of Caramel ice cream with fresh cherries, topped with honey and chocolate syrup. Tonight, I am planning to try the same with an extra addition to it - Rasgollas. It is an Indian delicacy soaked in sugar syrup. "Mmmmmmm" goes my mouth and "Groaaannn !" goes my waistline again. Hey, I do work out, right ? ;-)